Lulu LaFortune is offering consultations if you need guidance starting your own creative business, bringing your ideas to life, or receiving insight into the design industry. When Lulu left design school she initially wanted to start a business right away, but wasn’t sure how and didn’t have anyone to ask. Six years later she has worked for top names in the design industry and has started, branded and created a luxury furniture and lighting company. Long story short, she’s done the work.

  • Customization:  Lulu understands that every creatives process and journey is different. These consultations will be 100% customized to your hurdles and needs. Prior to each meeting Lulu will send you a Q&A so that the time spent is tailored specifically to your goals. During the meeting Lulu will relay her experiences and give you detailed advice on the questions at hand. After the meeting Lulu will provide a document with a summary of the meeting along with recommended next steps.

  • Timeline: This can be a one time meeting or on going guidance can be scheduled as we work together to bring your business and goals to life. 

  • A Note From Lulu: As a young creative, starting a business was one of the scariest and hardest things I’ve done and I didn't have anyone I could reach out to that had done this before. My goal within this space is to change that by creating a community and network for young creatives and new designers. As this avenue gets bigger I hope that all our names can become resources and connections that can be shared within the community. 

  • Structure: This can be a one time meeting focused on specific goals or on going guidance as you work to bring your ideas to life. 

  • Rate: $175/hr for an initial consultation. Continued consultations $150/hr